The development of morality is an important aspect for the formation of goodcharacter. Today there is deterioration of values in the society. The values have been not only at the social level but at the national level also. In theeducational programme only mental development has been stressed.In the modern age, the aim of education is all-round development of personality.In the present educational system, provision has been made for intellectual education. By giving importance to intellectual development. Thus to successful life, important human qualities such as sympathy, love, cooperation, mercy,compassion, truth, sincerity etc.have been ignored. The development of suchhuman qualities along with intellectual development should be the aim of valueeducation.
Values like love, joy, trust, dignity, respect, understanding and reverence are thekeys to the survival of human beings. Teaching of values is teaching of bettersurvival skills. Human life is more complex at present than in the past. Oureducational system gives us an idea about how far we are successful in makingvalue education successful. Value education is a positive effort towards bringingabout a synthesis of different values in a human being. It spans the entire learning structure and is related to the general education system. A teacherfaces a challenge on how to make value education effective to the youth. Thehuman Race has to last for centuries. In a society, based on human values,man’s precious resource is his fellow men. It is teachers’ role to foster Human
Values through his teaching in the classroom and follow those values. Tothe youth the classroom messages are love, safety, security, belonging andwarmth. The difficulty arises in deciding the way and content of morality to betaught to the student community. The teachers in schools, colleges anduniversities should be oriented and motivated by the orientation Courses,workshops, fieldworks, seminars and extension activities for imparting