Monday, December 23, 2019

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

National Education Policy-2019: Few vital Suggestions may be Considered- Dr.Jagannath.K.Dange

NEP 2019 promises more and far from practicality

            The draft of National education policy 2019 developed do address the challenges of education namely, Accessibility, Equality, Quality, Affordability and Accountability. Hence, a panel discussion was organised, to collect the views from Academicians, administrators, teachers, parents, and NGOs and suggestions were prepared out of discourse.
            The draft of National education policy 2019 leaves so many questions unanswered in minds of people. It tries to face a lot of pressing issues in present Indian educational system, but keeps silence about its implementation and monitoring. The policy puts forward a frame work or Skeleton only, questions regarding how to implement and who to implement remain so confusing and embarrassing. It seems as if it would damage the orderliness of present education system. The draft policy does not make any attempt to rectify present education system before going to build upon it.
            Draft policy is formulated with a glut of terms and ideas without a certain amount expected clarity. The reasons behind the pricking confusions partially owes to the pathetic condition of present education set up for examples infrastructure which is lacking even basic amenities,  corruption that creeps into the fold of education system, lack of efficient monitoring system, unequal budgetary allocation and failure of its utilisation, etc. Depth analysis of policy leads to the shoddiness of thinking and planning because every good policy must have strong wings of proper interpretation and implementation instructions. But policy fails at proper interpretation and guidance in execution. Here are few such examples

·   Since NEP 2019 incorporates Anganwadis with main stream of education system, it is recommendable to design a new curriculum and training for Anganwadi teachers for the perfect realization of educational objectives.
·      Though NEP -2019 explains about school complex system of public schools, it has not mentioned anything about incorporating private schools into this school complex. So it is recommendable to have a same school complex system even for private schools.
·     It would be more desirable and fruitful to fix an approximate ratio of students in every Anganwadi.
·      It would seem more appropriate to have at least one practical school (model school) along with Every DIET and CTE. So implementation or execution of any programme can be done there itself as trial and error.
·         It is desirable to upgrade DIETs and CTEs as multidisciplinary educational institutions.
·        It would be better to make provision for the direct appointments of DDPIs, AEOs, BEOs, JDs, etc on the basis of well prescribed qualification of M.A.(Education)/M.Ed. and Ph.D. in Education with experience.
·         It is better to have at least one librarian and a well furnished library within each school complex.
·      NEP 2019 speaks about vocational education in school complex which points out the need of Suitable Infrastructure development for the skill development of every child like in the field of photography, videography, and computer based editing, fashion designing, software development, etc.
·     It is better to think of having a strict monitoring authority from the government to address the grievances of private institutions.
·      Since NEP -2019 gives due emphasise for the experienced learning, it demands that each school complex can be equipped with Science lab, language lab, computer lab, agriculture field,workshops,  etc.
·      All programmes or projects in education shall be designed to lead each learner ultimately towards the development of life skills.
·      It is expected from NEP 2019 to instruct no disparities between private and government schools in terms of salary, job security and due respect.
·         Since policy emphasises equality through education, it’s also ideal to have a set of rules at private institutions as followed by government institutions with regard to admission, fees structure, teacher appointment, salary.
·     It would be desirable step from NEP-2019 to have provision of mobility for the teachers from aided school to public school and vice-versa.
·      To get a good grip over education system appointments of teachers even to Private institutions can be done by a board of officials from the Government.
·      It is ideal to have a clear formula, enforced by State board of education in private educational setup with regard to fee structure and salary, so that there can be less fee collection and high salary.
·         It is the need of the time that justice to be done to Anganawadi teachers by fixing their Salary.
·         It is better to have clear statements by NEP to ensure that every teacher’s right must be protected in terms of work condition and salary.
·     NEP can fix the qualifications like M.ED./M.A.(Education), NET for the appointment of principal in public and private schools.
·      It is not healthy enough to recruit human resources from ad-hoc and agencies, so ad-hoc and agency mode of appointments needs to be avoided.
·         It is the need of the time that Board Examination has to be done in digital form with surveillance and monitoring system.
·         It’s preferable to implement ‘one nation one curriculum’ formulae in our nation, so that equality can be maintained in education system. (National curriculum 80% and Regional/local curriculum 20%).
·         It is more preferable that National Testing Agency must have an examination body in each state and Union territory in order to conduct test at least once in a year for the recruitment to vacant positions.
·         Physical education teacher can be ideally recruited to the school complex with due consideration of their over burden. If a school complex is in a single place one physical education teacher can manage. But if schools in a school complex system are in distant places, it is a big challenge for physical education teacher. So at least two teachers should be appointed in a school complex.
·         Strong mind comes from strong body, so there can have a physical academy in school complex to nurture physical health and fitness of the students. Even considering the objectives of Olympics each school complex can train up the students to compete at Olympics level.
·         There can be data base maintenance of every individual from 1st standard to 12th standard for fostering unique talents of the students.
·         It is recommendable that Text books can be ideally provided by the government even to private schools at an affordable charge.
·         It is democratic need of our nation to maintain a secular atmosphere in school complex and private institutions.
·         Successful stories of depressed and suppressed local people can be incorporated with the text books content to inspire the students.
·         Appointments can be done prior to the starting of every academic year (at least 6 months before) to fill retirement vacancies (new vacancies on subject-wise, category-wise, institution wise), so that children can adjust with newly appointed teachers from the very start of academic year and it won’t affect their studies.
·         It is more desirable demand to have special quota (RTE) for under privileged students in all private schools.
·         Accountability cannot be expected from contract appointment; hence, government can preferably go for the full time appointment.
·         It is ideal that School complex principal should have master degree in education (M.Ed.)
·         It is better to have a counsellor within school complex having qualification of M.Ed,/M.Sc. in Psychology/ MSW/ graduation with any other certificate courses related to Counselling.
·         Equality should be ensured in the basic structure school system all over the nation.
·         Spirit of secularism should be nurtured by celebrating festivals of all religions.
·         Awareness of democratic principles should be made among the students at the school levels by teaching and practicing fundamental rights and duties like casting the vote in the school election.
·         There finds no mention in NEP-2019 about how to decrease the inequality between the poor and the rich. It is the need of the time to include elements to ensure the equality between the rich and poor.
·      Policy has envisaged Indian centred education by paying a little attention to Indian languages only but not specified anything about caste system, inequality, human right violation, etc which curb the Indian cultures. So clarity of Indian centred education in policy would contribute to rich heritage of India.
·     NEP-2019 can demand that all institution should accommodate all kinds of human resource irrespective of caste, religion, gender etc.
·      Since religion based education leads to rivalry and division among the people, NEP 2019 can highlight that education system by giving importance to all religion can promote religious tolerance among the students.
·         It is more desirable that NEP-2019 can give preference for the cultivation of 21st centaury skill in lives of the students such as religious tolerance, equality, democratic principle, emotional, maturity, etc.
·         NEP -2019 can suggest that once in a week the teachers have to conduct discussion on current social issues in the class room so that social awareness among the students can be reared.
·       It is better to include mixed learning in the policy which may promote leadership, imitation of good skills, social interaction, healthy relationship etc. and eradicate the practice of ragging in the school.
·         In democratic country like India it is justifiable for the policy to demand that every teaching activity must be value centric, teaching centric, child centric, democratic centric, etc.
·         From the point of equality assurance it is recommendable to have a control over the private schools as in the government schools by ensuring regular monitoring at private schools.
·         Policy mentioned about option of choices only at the higher education system, but is need even at primary level of education to foster individual taste and interest based skills.

·         It is justifiable that Provision can be given for stand alone institution that are running two years B.Ed. course to have  four years integrated course.
·         It is reasonable that awards can be given even to university professors on the basis of reviews given by staff members, students, parents and community to promote their commitment and dedication.
·         One year M.Ed. course would be enough after completing 4 years integrated course, so that young teachers can come to the field with lot of creativities.
·         Certificate or short term online courses on foreign languages (German, Japanese, and Spanish etc.) can be made available for the aspiring pre-service and in-service teachers.
·         It is preferable that Self-learning courses can be developed by Department of Education, CIET and other state ICT centres.
·         It is recommendable that Provision can be provided to work in directorate like principal of NCERT, DSCERT, and CIET from universities PG department of education.
·         Since Policy puts forward provision of foreign languages, it is better to give option of studying foreign language to student –teachers at B.Ed course.
·         M.Ed. can be mandatory course for enrolling in department of education and teacher education institution.

·         GDP must be hiked for education to 6% in short run to have desired results in education system.
·         It is reasonable to suggest that there must not be political interference in selection procedure of teaching faculty at all levels.
·         The appointment of private university Vice-chancellor post should be done by Government.
·         Present affiliation system has to be preferably continued with regard to all multi- disciplinary institutions in order to avoid further stumbling block in the path of development.
·   According to the NAAC report at present 65% of higher education institutes are not maintaining the expected quality even after getting affiliation. Since NEP -2019 has proposed the freedom of those institutions even to ensure the certificate, then what standard would be expected after 2030? So it is time to rethink about granting the extension of freedom.
·   It is preferable to regulate and monitor the higher education council at state level for the appointment of Vice- Chancellor, Registrar and Evaluation-registrar and before the deployment to the post, there should be adequate training.
·    At the time of selection, it is preferable to ensure the dignity of posts to Vice- Chancellor, Registrar and Evaluation registrar at state and national level by giving preference for the years of experience and different criteria of professionalism without any political interference.
            NEP -2019 cannot make a path breaking reforms for the paradigm shift in Indian education system, unless and until it is being executed with a master plan. Obviously, NEP -2019 is great promise for a vibrant new India, but it fails to guide how to reach at this new horizon of India. In short, the policy, which emphasises on clarity of understanding and critical thinking lacks the same standard.


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